Museum as Instrument

2015, For Elsewhere, Greensboro, NC

Museum as Instrument (MU::IN) brought Chicago-based sound artists Troy Briggs, Jon Brumit, Michael Milano, David Moré, Jeff Kolar and Meredith Kooi of Radius to the museum for a residency supported by Elsewhere and Shannon Stratton, Chief Curator of The Museum of Arts and Design in New York and Founder and Executive Director Emeritus of Threewalls in Chicago, alongside her partner,  Joe Jeffers,  a musician, producer and the  Director of 8550 Ohio.

Working collaboratively they  transformed  Elsewhere’s 100-year-old building into an architectural music box with new installations and performance-based sound works that featured electronics, found-objects, interactive instruments, field recordings, and experimental radio broadcasting.  The public programming for this project connected the residency artists with local sound artists and musicians, as well as the museum’s visiting publics through skill shares, talks,  a performative dinner and informal opportunities to play the museum.

More Information at:

Photos by Mitchell Oliver and the Elsewhere Documentary Team.